Who Blew Up The World Trade Center?
Here's something that drives me nuts. In the Tribune this morning Jonah Goldberg contributed a piece where he rails against people who are buying into stupid theory’s about how the George Bush and others in his administration are responsible for blowing up the WTC.
Unfortunately, he never once acknowledges why so many believe this crap. The simple fact is Bush has lied about so much; it becomes difficult to believe him about anything. I don't believe for a second that the Bushies had anything to do with leveling those buildings, but when you think of how dishonest they are (WMD, Domestic Spying, selling the country to the Chinese to finance deficit spending, dismissal of science, and on and on), it's not that far of a stretch to think they could take down a couple buildings in order to further their plans.
If Goldberg wants to complain about the cynicism of Americans, he should first start with the current occupant. Maybe if the administration started telling the truth, people would start believing what they say.
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