Friday, July 14, 2006

Bush Inhales Vigorously

This morning I'm reading the paper and notice this howler from Victor Davis Hanson:

"The public, for example, should be informed that the accusation that the U.S. went into Iraq for oil ("no blood for oil", as the slogan goes) is not merely inaccurate, but crazy. For starters, gas prices skyrocketed once we induced risky change in the Middle East. How does that benefit the American people?"

As the kids say today, WTF? Who said Bush has any interest in benefitting the American people? Can you say "Oil Company Profits"? As long as his friends at Halliburton and Exxon come out OK, who gives a flip about the American people?

Personally, I would bet that George W. does not have a single personal friend who belongs to this class known as the "American people". He sees them when he campaigns and he shakes hands with them at various photo ops, but do you think he has a friend who take his kids to sit in the bleachers at a Monday night Sox game because the tickets are cheaper? Do you think he has a friend who shops at Aldi's? Something tells me probably not.

I remember when his old man was at some convention and caused a little bit of controversy because he had never seen a grocery store price scanner before. I think Shrub has the same problem of being totally out of touch with the "American people".

In other news, the next six games are huge for the Sox. I have nightmares of them dropping all six. While highly unlikely, it would be the ruination of the season. I'll be happy with 4-2.

Go Sox.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Two comments. The first is sarcasm. Only in the second do I say what I really mean.

ONE. "35th 'n Shields" accuses the President of engaging in a conspiracy to wage wars and to defraud the American people, all on behalf of the President's "friends at Halliburton and Exxon."

If "35th 'n Shields" has proof that the President adopted the national security policies that has on behalf of the executives at Halliburton and Exxon, as well as to expand the profits of these U.S. - based transnationals at the expense of the average American citizen, then I suggest that “35th ‘n Shields� produce this evidence---for example, audio recording of the meetings at which these conspiracies were hatched. Or, in the very least, transcripts of the same.

Otherwise I suggest that "35th 'n Shields" kindly do us all a big favor and keep his conspiracy theories to himself (herself).

TWO. In the words of Frank Kofsky’s superb study, Harry S. Truman and the War Scare of 1948: A Successful Campaign to Deceive the Nation (St. Martin's Press, 1993), especially Appendix B, "On 'Conspiracy Theories' in Fact and Fancy" (pp. 301-308):

To see why, in these circumstances, charges of “conspiracy theorizing� are likely to be bogus, we need to bring into the open exactly what they imply. Such accusations contain within them several hidden propositions that are never made explicit, because to do so would expose their authors to ridicule. Which of the following, pray tell, would those who are so ready to cry “Conspiracy theory!� have us believe? That people with enormous fortunes and/or high political positions do not have greater ability than the ordinary citizen to get what they want? That men and women who spend most of their adult lives seeking to obtain or retain money and influence do so only in order to abstain from employing the advantages these confer? That those with wealth and power are inhibited by some mysterious force from making use of either to accomplish their purposes? That the rich and well-placed not only practice such extraordinary self-denial as individuals, but that they also steadfastly refuse to cooperate with their peers in the pursuit of common political-economic goals? [END QUOTE]

In short, it isn’t so-called conspiracy theorizing in the least to propose that the rich and powerful possess certain WAYS OF DOING THINGS that most of the rest of us lack.

In point of fact, in a world rife with class privileges and with the assorted ideological managers who cater to the privileged, it ought to be a near-reflexive critical assumption behind all of our attempts to understand the things that people do.

With respect to elite policymaking at the national level, “35th ‘n Shields� heartily agrees.

It is only when the focus turns to the negative publicity campaign to smear the Chicago Sun-Times’s Jay Mariotti that “35th ‘n Shields� sees nothing and hears nothing.

David Peterson

16/7/06 11:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment: Mr. Peterson`s identity is well known. But before I express any opinons , I want your name posted too . Seems that anyone who criticizes another while in hiding isn`t to be respected for his/her opinion , much less believed.

17/7/06 1:25 PM  

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